After the American Revolution, a new, independent country was formed.
With the colonists gaining independence from Britain, the population
started to look at the country and to expand beyond the original
thirteen colonies. Through a series of moves and purchases, within
several decades the amount of land in the United States stretched from
the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans.
With the additional land brought additional opportunities for people.
With the California Gold Rush and the chance to get a new life along
with land to call their own, many people packed up and traveled west
to settle. However, in the early 1800's travel from east to west was
very hazardous. The only choices settlers had were either by wagon
train with groups, via stagecoach or by way of riding west by
horseback. None of these methods were very efficient.
In the 1800's trains began to emerge as an option for travel for
people. Train routes started to show up in the east as well as west,
however, the two parts of the country were still separate. But, with
the signing of the Pacific Railway Act of 1862, it was ordered to have
two major railway companies, the Central Pacific Railway and the Union
Pacific Railway, work on a railroad that would connect the country.
The two companies started the project in 1863 and were completed in
1869 with the final stake placed in the ground in Utah.
The project was difficult with many obstacles faced along the way.
However, with the completion of the First Transcontinental Railway, it
connected east and west so that travel would be easier and safer. This
opened the door to further expansion of the rail system to include all
parts of the country, making travel and commerce more efficient. To
learn more about the First Transcontinental Railway, please feel free
to review the following information:
Eastern Railway History
America's First Trains -
Historical article giving readers a look at some of the first trains
that were in the United States.
Railroads and Maps -
Informative web site providing a look at early railroads and early
maps of the tracks used.
History of Early Railroads -
Helpful descriptive article giving a review of the early United
States transportation from the early 1800's.
Western Railway History
Railroads and the West -
Useful article explaining how the railways in the west led to a rise
in immigration.
Early American Railroads -
Information on early railways in the United States and how it led to
growth of the west.
Railway Museum -
Educational site with images and information on railways in the
western United States.
Pacific Railway Act of 1862
Railroad Companies
Central Pacific Railroad History -
Historical website which provides a look at the history of one of
the companies involved in building the First Transcontinental
Central Pacific Railroad -
Information on the rail company that worked on the western portion
of the Transcontinental Railroad.
Union Pacific History and Photos -
Informative website dedicated to the history through words and
pictures of the other company that built the First Transcontinental
Historical Society -
Organization that was formed to document and recognize the
achievements of the company that worked on the eastern portion of
the Transcontinental Railroad.
Dangers of the Railroad
Transcontinental Timeline -
Basic information on major events in the construction of the
Transcontinental Railway Overview -
Information and overview on the construction of the railroad.
Hell on Wheels -
Web site for AMC-TV program based loosely on events surrounding the
construction of the railway.
Railroad Information -
Useful site with information on the work that went into constructing
the First Transcontinental Railway.
Constructing the Railroad -
Helpful site giving an overview of construction along the path of
the railroad.
Railroad Problems -
Informative site providing information on the railroad and some of
the problems associated with building them.
Connecting the Rails
Eastward to Promontory -
Helpful site with information on the building of the railway.
Uniting the Nation -
Historical look at the completion of the railroad and what it means.
Railway Completed -
Information and images from an exhibit on the railway.
Promontory Point -
Informative article on the conclusion of the railway at Promontory
Point, Utah.
Golden Spike National Site -
Official site of the National Park which is the location of where
the final golden spike was used to connect the rails.
Historic Significance
Impact of the Railroad -
Informative page with information on the effect that the railroad
had on the United States.
Historical Significance -
Article providing a brief historical overview of the completion of
the railroad.
Railroad Facts -
Basic information about the facts surrounding the Transcontinental
Mining and Railroads -
Helpful page showing how the First Transcontinental Railroad was
important to the mining industry, and others.
Originally posted on
Page created by Ms Deborah
Ward's class.
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